

Depuis 2011, la maison Devernois confie à WCP la création et la production du contenu éditorial de sa page Facebook : « Devernois, Et pourquoi pas ? ». Au menu, de la tendance, des silhouettes, du décryptage et de belles histoires de mode.

Categories: Devernois

comments (1)

26 novembre 2015

Well, you don't have to actually cheat to know what the signs are. I would say to look for signs like if she doesn't tell you the truth as to where she is going. If you catch her lying about being with a girl firned, that would be one.Another sign is if she's getting texts or phone calls in which she doesn't answer in front of you and tries to avoid while she's with you.If she doesn't want to get intimate with you or even just hug and kiss you, I would think something was wrong.I think you would be able to tell if she was cheating because you'll catch her in a lie some way or another. If your relationship just doesn't feel the same as it used to, like you don't feel that bond or closeness anymore. But these are just my opinion. You should go on your instinct and you'll be able to tell. Just don't look too hard and start to make assumptions. You'll go crazy. Good luck.

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